Frequently Asked Questions
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After the first start the game does not launch on my Retina MacBook Pro
Where can I find the custom folder?
I don't know how to use the pistons
After the first start the game does not launch on my Retina MacBook Pro
There seems to be a problem in the current version. We are working on a fix. You should play the game in a lower resolution. To reset the settings do this:
Please select in the Finder the menu item "Go to" with pressed option key and choose "Library".
Open the folder Container. Then open the folder de.application-systems.bridgeproject.
Then open Data, then Library, and then Preferences.
Please delete the file
Where can I find the custom folder?
You can open the custom folder in the Finder with this program (Show Custom Folder):
You could also choose the menu item "Go/Go to Folder ..." in the Finder and paste this (and press Enter):
~/Library/Containers/de.application-systems.bridgeproject/Data/Library/Application Support/BridgeProject/Custom
I don't know how to use the pistons
To use hydraulic (pistons) set the hydraulic and open at least one connection point (open the interactive menu by clicking with two fingers, choose open connection)
Depending on the construction you maybe need to open more connections points otherwise the hydraulic will crash the connection points.
Once the points are marked as open points they will have the function of an hinge joint.