Detailed Features

Everthing is realIn aeroflyFS you fly in a real environment. The entire 41,285 (15,940 sq.miles) of Switzerland are available down to a resolution of 40 in. Virtually all Swiss airports are equipped with landing strips, which are reproduced to their exact dimensions. Among them are numerous selected airports, which feature all hangars and buildings as well as correct taxiways. The scenery is displayed in such high resolution and photo realistic appearance making it basically impossible to distinguish from the air whether the scenery is virtual or real.
Get into the pilot seat on the aeroflyFS and fly the most realistic flight simulator money can buy.

Animated instrumentsA key issue for the developers of aeroflyFS is documented by the impressively animated instruments. All the basic instruments (speed, altitude, heading, climbing, artificial horizon, turn indicator) show the real values just as type-specific instruments (rpm, g-meter, vario and more) and are fully functional, of course. This allows both visual and instrument flight training.
The perfect appearanceThe endless details of the aircraft in aeroflyFS will inspire you. Take a look at the perfectly replicated finish of the F18, the weathering marks on the Sopwith, or the little paint chips on the Pitts, the interior of the Cessna, the glider cockpit, the retractable engine of the Discus bM, the landing gear of the F-18 and many other details. All aeroflyFS aircraft are designed with extreme detailing.

Versatile controlIn terms of control the aeroflyFS is versatile like no other flight simulator. The program recognizes automatically any standard joystick. Simply connect the joystick to an available USB port and start the program. The function assignment is accomplished with an intuitive and easy to use program menu.
Modelers who already have a GameCommander or a USB interface cable of one of the IKARUS RC flight simulators can also use them, of course.
With the third control alternative via keyboard and mouse, you can even fly all aircraft without any hardware. This is ideal for traveling, when taking your aeroflyFS with you on your notebook.
You select the flight conditionsIn the aeroflyFS you can freely select wind speed, wind direction, turbulence, thermal, fog, visibility and clouds. The density of the cloud cover as well as its thickness or their lower limit altitude are fully adjustable. The best about all this: these freely adjustable parameters are directly incorporated into the simulation. The wind simulation takes even the local geography into account. Together with the thermal simulation and the turbulence a real environment is generated within which the aircraft are moving.
As a glider pilot “search” for thermals and take advantage of updrafts along the slopes. If desired, you can even visually display the wind field including thermals!

Flight challenges - take on the gauntlet to sharpen your skillsFace the many challenges on aeroflyFS and you may win bronze, silver or even gold trophies. Take-off followed by a climb-out, full circle with steady climbing, pattern procedure and spot landing are the basic challenges. Those who succeeded here can approach the flight training challenges in the glider, jet, or even take up aerobatics. All challenges have the interactive monitoring and evaluation by the simulator in common.
The flight challenges are explained and show pop-up instructions for the procedure as well as distance markers. Upon reaching the final marker, points are awarded and the timer stops. Those pilots who won all gold trophies, may rightly call themselves a professional!
Many special functionsThe aircraft seem to come alive in aeroflyFS lfrom the detail and many special features. Whether it's the intricate F-18 landing gear, the F18 animated afterburner, the tubular construction of the Extra 300, the flaps of the Yodel, the retractable auxiliary engine of the Discus bM and many, many more.
All special features of the aircraft are fully integrated into the physical simulation. Flaps act like their original, rudders gradually lose control with decreasing flight speed and when on the ground and the brake is applied to decelerate the machine, just watch the nose gear suspension dip in.

Take your seat in the cockpit!The feeling of sitting in the cockpit is enhanced by numerous camera options. Choose between pilot and co-pilot view and take a look at the scenery to the side or look up and down.
Since the cameras are installed in aeroflyFS exactly at the head position, the impression of actually sitting in the cockpit is perfect. Camera panning and zoom allow you to adjust the view so that you can see both the surrounding environment and keep the instruments in view.
Animated pilots and autopilotEach of our aircraft cockpits is always occupied by a pilot, if you don't sit at the controls yourself, whether it's because you have selected the co-pilot position or watch the flight from the outside perspective. Our pilots even take over the active control when you activate the two-stage autopilot.
In the first stage of the autopilot stabilizes the plane and you need only to determine the aircraft attitude and heading. In the second stage the autopilot always brings the aircraft back into a horizontal attitude and maintains the course fully automatic.

Flight information and Moving MapAll cockpit instruments of all aircraft show real-time values . Via a simple key combination you can have the most important flight information data displayed. Besides speed and altitude it also includes among others the current flap setting, throttle position and course. The Moving Map will assist orientation both in the cockpit or in a separate window. "North Up" or "TrackUp", map zoom and airfield markings simplify orientation.
Head tracking supportThe aeroflyFS simulator supports TrackIR, which is one of the most widely available head tracking system for PCs. With the infrared transmitter on the monitor and the reflectors on a baseball cap you can control the camera view in the direction left/right or up/down. If you move with your head toward the monitor, the image is zoomed in. Move away a little, the view is increased again. The aeroflyFS is compatible with the hardware of the TrackIR4 and TrackIR5 systems.

Panoramaic viewWith the touch of a button you can switch between different camera views on each of the planes. Sit in the pilot or co-pilot seat or even in the rear of the Cessna. Or watch the flight in follow mode. In cockpit view you can also make a quick panoramic view or a long lasting camera pan to the side or up and down.
From beginner to expertA flight simulator for all! True to this motto, you can adjust the degree of simulation realism on the aeroflyFS
If the pilot selects the "expert" mode he will enjoy the full benefit of the unique flight physics and has full control over all rudder functions. Flying in "beginner" mode the aeroflyFS assists by stabilizing the rudder, easing the stall characteristics and reducing the rudder effect.

Mac or Windows - it´s your choice!The versatility of the aeroflyFS does not stop at the real computer world. The new IKARUS simulator aeroflyFS runs under Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
For the Mac world there is a 100% compatible version for Intel-based Apple Mac computers running on Mac OS X 10.6 or 10.7 available.
For those who can't live without their aeroflyFS on trips, we've created the possibility to control the aircraft via mouse pad, no matter whether operating on Windows or Mac. YOU have the choice.
Mountain and city namesSwitzerland and tourism, two things which are closely intertwined. If you want to find a popular vacation spot, or even enjoy the view from the Matterhorn toward the central Alps you will quickly appreciate the imposed mountain and city names. More than 10,000 names of all the mountains and cities are available at your fingertip's.
As soon as you activate the autopilot and look in external mode at the aircraft flying in this fascinating high-resolution, photo-realistic scenery, you are practically on vacation!