Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the following questions:
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Action Points: How do I know when I need to spend another action point for walking?
Action Points: My hunter can still walk but he can not shoot. What's up with that?
Action Points: What is an Action Point?
Action Points: Why is my range reduced when I switch to the trap action?
AP: What is an AP?
City Map: I cannot find a ghost!
Clock: Why is there a clock?
Driving on the city map: Can driving be accelerated?
Driving on the city map: Can I change direction?
Equipment: How do I buy equipment?
Error Messages: What do all these messages mean?
Ghost Marker: A ghost marker on the map disappeared. Why?
Green Squares: What do green squares on the floor mean?
Hunters: Can I swap equipment during a mission?
Hunters: How can I see the equipment a hunter carries?
Hunters: How do I hire a hunter?
Hunters: Is there a faster way to switch between Hunters?
Hunters: What are the professions for?
Hunters: Why are there hunters in other colours?
Hunters: Why is my hunter not moving?
Messages: Not enough AP
Messages: You need a driver for your vehicle!
Mission Log: What is this?
Missions: Can I shorten the wait time for the next mission?
Missions: How do I know everything that happened during a mission?
Missions: How do I know if there are ghosts left?
Missions: How do I know what to expect in the next mission?
Missions: My mission ended but I don't know why?
Missions: What are these red numbers that I can see all the time?
Missions: What are these yellow numbers that I see in black areas of the scenario?
Phone calls: Why do i keep getting these phone calls?
Red Messages: What do all these messages mean?
Scaling of the screen: The content of the screen is zoomed so that I can't see everything. What can I do?
Selecting Actions: Are there quick ways to select actions I want to perform?
Selection Actions: Any tipp of the phone dialogues?
Sensor: How do I use a sensor?
Sound: Can I fine tune the sound?
Store: How do I buy equipment?
Tooltip: What is a tooltip?
Traps: Any other hints for trapping a ghost?
Traps: Can I pick a trap up?
Traps: How can I tell if a trap can still be used?
Traps: I put a trap down but it failed!
Traps: I think my trap is not working. What may be wrong with it?
Traps: Is there a best practice to catch a ghost quicker?
Traps: What if it does not work to place a trap?
Trash Bin: What does the trash bin do in the Hunter Details windows?
Visibility: Ghosts are hidden by walls and objects. Is there any way to see better?
Visibility: I can't really see the ghosts, where are they?
Action Points: How do I know when I need to spend another action point for walking?
The walking icon will show a red square that indicates that if you start walking again it will use up the next action point.
Action Points: My hunter can still walk but he can not shoot. What's up with that?
You spent an action point on walking. Depending on your hunter's abilities that gives you a certain range to walk. If you have not yet used up all of that range you can still walk - even if walking was interrupted by another action like shooting.
Action Points: What is an Action Point?
A hunter has 2 action-points (AP) per turn. Most actions like "walking" require them.
Action Points: Why is my range reduced when I switch to the trap action?
If you decide to walk and place a trap then you need to spend an action point on walking and one to place the trap. If you have not enough range left from walking then you can only place the trap next to you. The longer range that appears when you select "walking" instead of "placing a trap" is because if you spend the action point on walking instead of placing a trap you get the full remaining range again.
AP referes to Action Points. See Action Points.
City Map: I cannot find a ghost!
Try zooming the map by using the scroll wheel on the mouse or a two finger drag gesture on a track pad or by using the zoom icon in the upper left corner of the screen. It may also by hidden by the phone, so hide the phone to check.
Clock: Why is there a clock?
The clock represents the game time vs. real time. You can speed the clock to get te next alarm call sooner and you can pause the game with the pause button.
Driving on the city map: Can driving be accelerated?
Yes, push the fast forward button on the clock.
Driving on the city map: Can I change direction?
Click the STOP sign and then select a new destination.
Equipment: How do I buy equipment?
See "Store: How do I buy equipment?"
Error Messages: What do all these messages mean?
Please browse for "Messages" in this FAQ.
Ghost Marker: A ghost marker on the map disappeared. Why?
Your customers will not wait forever. If you take too long the mission will be gone. Wait for the next call. See "Missions: Can I shorten the wait time for the next mission?"
Green Squares: What do green squares on the floor mean?
The green squares show the distance that you can walk when you use one action point and the remaining range for that action point. If you run out of range you may use another action point to walk. A red square will show in the cursor next to the walk icon, indicating that you will start using an action point now if you keep walking.
Hunters: Can I swap equipment during a mission?
Yes! Make sure the hunters stand next to each other and open "Hunter Details" windows for both hunters. Then drag and drop weapon or traps as needed.
Hunters: How can I see the equipment a hunter carries?
Double click on the hunter portrait in the lower left corner of the screen. This opens the "Hunter Detail" window.
Hunters: How do I hire a hunter?
To hire a hunter click on the desk in the Headquarter. The Team Market will open and allows you to hire a hunter.
Hunters: Is there a faster way to switch between Hunters?
You can use the Tab-Key to switch between your hunters.
Hunters: What are the professions for?
The professions tell you in what category a given hunter has their main strength. A "Shooter" for example has a good value in "Aim". The main categories are highlighted in green.
Hunters: Why are there hunters in other colours?
These are competing teams. If you take too long to drive to a haunted site they may take the job away.
Hunters: Why is my hunter not moving?
Move the cursor over the hunter and double check if he is cursed or if there is some other effect that may stop him. Also note that a strike may weaken hunters. Their strength may become less than needed to carry the weight of the equipment that you have given him. Try to drop traps or pass equipment on to other hunters.
Messages: You need a driver for your vehicle!
Open the car in the headquarter by clicking on it and move a hunter to the car seat. If all your hunters did quit you need to hire a new hunter, see "Hunters: How do I hire a hunter?"
Mission Log: What is this?
The mission log is the small window in the lower left area of your screen. It is a radio connection to your headquarter and you can find all the action logged in it. So if you missed something this is where you can see what happened.
Missions: Can I shorten the wait time for the next mission?
You can press the fast forward button on the clock. This will speed the clock and soon the phone will be ringing.
Missions: How do I know everything that happened during a mission?
Please refer to the mission log in the radio on the left side of the screen. This logs all activity and is important to keep track of what's going on.
Missions: How do I know if there are ghosts left?
When you trapped all ghosts the mission will end. Keep searching the scenario until you've done that.
Missions: How do I know what to expect in the next mission?
In general we can say that it will become more difficult the longer you play. But you will be more experienced, so that is OK. It is on purpose that hunting during the night is more dangerous - in particluar on a graveyard. If you read the phone calls well you will be able to tell if a specific call will take you to a home or a graveyard.
Missions: My mission ended but I don't know why?
You may have missed this but a missing ends if too much damage is done to a hunting scene. And of course if all of your hunters have panicked as well.
Missions: What are these red numbers that I can see all the time?
Red numbers refer to lost points. Refer to the mission log to read what happened.
Missions: What are these yellow numbers that I see in black areas of the scenario?
This is damage done by the ghosts. It does display in the radio (mission log) as well.
Phone calls: Why do i keep getting these phone calls?
The phone calls are usually (not always) a cry for help by your potential customers. You can accept a mission which will result in a ghost marker on the map or you can decline a mission. Leave the headquarter using the garage door to get to the map and drive to the haunted scene by clicking the ghost marker on the map.
Red Messages: What do all these messages mean?
Please browse for "Messages" in this FAQ.
Scaling of the screen: The content of the screen is zoomed so that I can't see everything. What can I do?
You can zoom in and out at any time by using the scroll function of your mouse or trackpad (wheel, drag gesture or whatever it supports). Also if you press ESC the options menu will appear and allow you to select the zoom there.
Selecting Actions: Are there quick ways to select actions I want to perform?
Use right click or use the number keys 1, 2, ... to select the desired action.
Selection Actions: Any tipp of the phone dialogues?
Yes, actually you can select your answers quicker by using the number keys. And you can take a call by pressing space.
Sensor: How do I use a sensor?
Buy a sensor in the store (read the tooltipp to understand what it can do). Give it to one of your hunters. In the mission the hunter needs to take the sensor into one hand. Then you select the sensor icon in the icon bar on the top of the screen and the sensor will deliver data.
Sound: Can I fine tune the sound?
Press ESC and use the options menu to select volume for music, sound effects and shoutouts separately.
Store: How do I buy equipment?
Drive to one of the two stores. They offer different things. "Traps R Us" sells weapon and traps and "Mr. Ghost" offers sensors, suits, googles and other stuff. Use the right mouse button or drag and drop to buy equipment. Spend wisely! There is no "undo". You can sell equipment by dragging it to the store.
Tooltip: What is a tooltip?
A tooltip pops up if you move the mouse over a certain object (ghost, hunter, equipment for example). It shows more detail about the object like certain abilities and other data.
Traps: Any other hints for trapping a ghost?
Look at your weapon tooltips. Some weapon are push beams, so you can push a ghost towards a trap and others are pull beams, so that you can suck the ghost in the direction of the trap.
Traps: Can I pick a trap up?
Full traps are picked up automatically. Otherwise select the traps pickup action and then click on the trap to pick it up.
Traps: How can I tell if a trap can still be used?
Full traps are red. The tooltip of the trap can tell you if a trap can still catch a ghost. Read "Traps: I think my trap is not working. What may be wrong with it?"
Traps: I put a trap down but it failed!
Traps are not 100% reliable. If it fails it is not damaged. It will try to catch if the ghost is over the trap again. Also the ghost needs to be at the energy level that a trap can deal with.
Traps: I think my trap is not working. What may be wrong with it?
Look at the tooltip of the trap. It tells you the capacity that is left. If a ghost that you want to catch has more energy than your trap can take you will not be able to catch him. Also there is a maximum energy of a trap. If the ghost has more energy than that the trap will fail on him too.
Traps: Is there a best practice to catch a ghost quicker?
This is what we do: Select your trap, place it under the ghost and then shoot at the ghost. This increases the chance of catching him. You may select the place trap action and select a field further away. Your hunter will walk there and put the trap down.
Traps: What if it does not work to place a trap?
If you can't place a trap open the Hunter Details window by double clicking on your hunter. If he has no trap in his hands or the trap is red (=full) you can't place a trap.
Trash Bin: What does the trash bin do in the Hunter Details windows?
Drag an item that you don't need anymore to the trash bin. It will be deleted from your inventory. If you want to keep it for later use drag it into the storage space in your headquarter or in your car.
Visibility: Ghosts are hidden by walls and objects. Is there any way to see better?
Press the shift key to remove everything but the floor, your hunters and the ghosts.
Visibility: I can't really see the ghosts, where are they?
Ghosts need to be in line of sight. In a dark room you can't see far. Switch the light on. There are Goggles to improve sight.