Web Standards Wizardry
All the code generated by RapidWeaver adheres to published web standards, ensuring that sites look great in all popular browsers - and RapidWeaver themes are built using CSS, making it easy for code-savvy users to completely customise their sites.
To help your sites load even quicker, RapidWeaver 5 allows you to consolidate and compress the stylesheets used on each page - and we even offer the Safari Web Developer Tools when previewing your site in RapidWeaver.
No need to code your site's navigation.
Automagic Navigation
As you build your site, RapidWeaver keeps track of every page and generates the navigation menu for you. As you add links between the pages in your project, RapidWeaver manages them for you and as pages change locations, the links update too. Broken links are a thing of the past!
Organising your site is a snap - all your pages are listed in the RapidWeaver sidebar according to your page structure, so you can just drag and drop pages to re-organise your website's navigation menu.
Code everywhere in RapidWeaver.
Mix and Match
Many RapidWeaver users only ever use the Rich Text formatting available to all users, however if you need to add some custom code RapidWeaver can handle that too. Code can even sit right alongside text within the application - so integrating a YouTube video, or other widget, right next to your text is easy!
For the more adventurous user, there are custom fields for the likes of custom CSS, Javascript and code that needs to go before the Doctype on every page (PHP includes and the like).
Bookmarks and SFTP.
Multi-site Management
You can build as many sites as you like with RapidWeaver, so all-new in version 5 is an FTP bookmark manager. Never again will you have to lose time trying to dig out publishing details - just save them as needed, and quickly recall them in any open RapidWeaver project. All your credentials are stored securely in the OS X Keychain.
We also know that users want to upload their sites more securely than ever - that's why RapidWeaver supports both regular FTP as well as secure FTP (SSH FTP if you're curious).
Amazing Addons.
Infinitely Expandable
RapidWeaver's Theme and Plugin SDKs mean that there's an amazing wealth of third-party addons available. From the likes of the slick Cartloom store plugin, the fluid layout of Stacks through to the 3D Theme, there are addons for almost anything you want to add to your site.
RapidWeaver 5 makes using third-party addons even easier, with the new Addons area that not only lists all the addons available for RapidWeaver, but even lets you know when there are updates available for your installed extras.