
Unforeseen Incidents (download): £15.49


System requirements:

  • Mac OS X 10.9
  • Windows 7/ Windows 8 / Windows 10
  • Linux
  • 2GHz Intel Mac Core 2 Duo
  • 5GB HDD
  • Linux: Ubuntu 12.04 or later. SteamOS is supported
  • Mac: Mac OS X 10.9 or better. Runs also with macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
  • Windows: 64-Bit, DirectX 10 or above


Press quotes

(1) Adventure Advocate (GR) rates 4.5/5: "Whether you have missed the traditional adventures or want to see what the olds loved from the genre, Unforeseen Incidents is the adventure you wanted. Do not miss it!" - Read review

(2) Adventure-Treff (DE) rates 88%: "Backwoods Entertainment ist ein richtig gutes Erstlingswerk gelungen, welches das Adventureherz höher schlagen lässt." - Read review

(3) AdventureCorner (DE) rates 85%: "Unforeseen Incidents ist ein klassisch geprägtes Point&Click-Adventure im modernen Look und mit einer gut erzählten Geschichte." - Read review

(4) Adventuregamers (EN) rates 4/5: "Mit erstklassigen Sprachaufnahmen, einem unverwechselbaren Look, und fordernden Rätseln liefert Unforeseen Incidents eine solide Geschichte mit einem Niemand aus Nirgendwo, der die Welt retten muss." - Read review

(5) (NL) writes: "Samengevat is Unforeseen Incidents een klassiek uitgevoerd adventurespel van grote klasse. Natuurlijk ge ïntegreerde puzzels in een zeer goed verteld verhaal, originele handgetekende strip-beelden en natuurlijk een vleugje humor. Voeg daarbij de kwaliteit van de stemacteurs, die de poppetjes dankzij een prima script van karakter voorzien en je hebt een spel dat je ruim 10 uur lang aangenaam bezig houdt. Een aanrader voor beginners én gevorderden." - Read review

(6) (DE) rates 90%: "Als langjähriger Point & Click Adventure Fan wird "Unforeseen Incidents" von mir herzlich empfohlen." - Read review

(7) Adventuresplanet (IT) - Read the News

(8) Adventuresplanet (IT) - Listen to the Podcast

(9) ALLGAMERS (EN) writes: "Grounded puzzles, stellar voice acting, and witty humour that all make this beautiful, hand-drawn adventure a must play for point-and-click aficionados." - Read review

(10) Alternative Magazine Online (EN) rates 8/10: "Unforeseen Incidents is one of the best point-and-click adventure games of recent years. Not only does it look and sound great, it has the puzzles to match. " - Read review

(11) (EN) - Listen to the Podcast

(12) Ao's Webblog (DE) writes: "Falls jemand aktuell auf der Suche nach einem wirklich empfehlenswerten Spiel für den Mac ist, lohnt ein Blick auf das neu erschienene Point-and-Click-Adventure Unforeseen Incidents" - Read review

(13) Backlogcritic (EN) rates 8/10: "Unforeseen Incidents takes a cliched theme and presents it with marvellous art style, interesting characters and entertaining writing." - Read review

(14) Big Boss Battle (EN) writes: "Those who like traditional point-and-click adventures will love Unforeseen Incidents, its cast, humour and last but not least its well-integrated puzzles. Those who do not count adventures among their favourites should still consider giving it a shot -- its charm might win you over." - Read review

(15) BonusStage (EN) rates Very good 8/10: "From the voiceovers in the introduction and the quick, up close evidence of how deadly the viral outbreak is, to the revelations of sinister forces engineering the entire affair, it is easy to get invested in the narrative." - Read review

(16) c't magazine (DE) writes: "Die handgezeichnete Gra k ist ein echter Hingucker: Schra?ge Architektur und skurrile Figuren mit viel Liebe zum Detail machen das Spiel zur Indie-Perle. Ein echter Geheimtipp fu?r Point & Click- Fans." - Read review

(17) Canard PC (FR) - Read the review

(18) Checkpoint Gaming (EN) writes: "Once you get through, you're treated to beautiful art, outstanding audio and voice actors, and some ridiculously clever mechanics and puzzles." - Read review

(19) Chicago Tribune (EN) - Read the review

(20) COG Connected (EN) rates 88: " its story, humor, and art make it a great time piecing together clues in the world that Backwoods Entertainment has created. It might not have reinvented the genre, but given the opportunity, I'd grab a beer with Harper in this game or--we can hope--the next." - Read review

(21) (EN) writes: "Unforeseen Incidents initially caught me eye with its gorgeous, hand-painted world and its impressive voice-acting in the face of its independent scope" - Read review

(22) Commonsense Media (EN) writes: "For those with a nostalgic soft spot for PC adventure games of yesteryear, Unforeseen Incidents is well worth the time and money." - Read review

(23) Console toi (FR) - Read the review

(24) coupleofgamer (EN) - Read the review

(25) Cubed3 (EN) rates 8/10: "Unforeseen Incidents is a complete breath of fresh air in what is fast becoming an over-crowded genre once more, standing head and shoulders above many other point-and-click adventures available. With its perfect mix of macabre and comical scripting, as well as the highly engaging puzzles and entertaining fetch quests it throws the player's way, the hours really do fly by despite this being one of the longer journeys on the market right now." - Read review

(26) (IT) writes: "A tratti ho provato il desiderio di leggere Unforeseen Incidents, come se fosse il fumetto che la sua bellissima grafica comunque già rende tale. Forse chi si è occupato del soggetto avrebbe potuto sviscerarlo maggiormente, ma già così il titolo di Backwoods Entertainment è un mezzo passo in avanti verso una direzione poco battuta dai videogiochi: quella che li vede tentare di raccontare e commentare l'attualità senza farsi allegorie." - Read review

(27) desconsolados (ES) writes: "Tenemos en definitiva un gran juego que nos va a enganchar y que va a hacer que nos destrocemos la cabeza buscando la solución a algunos puzles y que tiene puntos geniales y otras veces baja un poco la calidad, pero siempre mantiene su punto divertido y entretenido." - Read review

(28) Digital Chumps (EN) rates 8.8 Great: "Unforeseen Incidents checks all the boxes for what constitutes a great point and click adventure game. Solid characters, a good story, good puzzles that are balanced, and an impressive presentation thanks to well-drawn art/animations and a good aural package. At only $20, it's hard to go wrong with it if you enjoy the genre." - Read review

(29) Emotional Multimedia Ride (EN) writes: "Having Application Systems Heidelberg as a publisher/co-developer is also a good sign for quality. So do yourself a favor and support the adventure game genre by buying this title on PC." - Read review

(30) End World Gaming (EN ) writes: "Overall, Unforeseen Incidents was a very enjoyable adventure and it has a lot going for it. It's got a great art style, great music, a fantastic story revolving around a disease, and a great cast of characters too. If you're a fan of adventure games like myself, you definitely don't want to miss this game. it's a pretty epic journey and I highly recommend giving it a shot." - Read review

(31) Entertainment Factor (EN) - Read the News

(32) factornews (FR) - Read the News

(33) Fantasy Magazine (IT) - Read the News

(34) (PL) - Read the Walkthrough

(35) FZ.SE (SE) writes: "List - 15 games you may have missed this year" - Read review

(36) Gamasutra (EN) - Read the News

(37) Game 2.0 (GR) rates 7.5: "Unforeseen Incidents is an indie adventure made with passion, with beautiful graphics and a rich variety of puzzles. It shows once again that the Germans know of adventure, although I think Backwoods and Daedalic are amazed at their willingness to have Longest Journey scenarios and the ability to provide such narratives. If you like adventure, Unforeseen Incidents is a great choice." - Read review

(38) Game Guide (FR) - Read the review

(39) GAME IT (ES) rates 85%: "En conclusión, estamos ante un gran juego en el que prácticamente todos los aspectos que componen una aventura gráfica Point and Click los puedes encontrar aquí. Brilla con luz propia con su apartado artístico que luce de manera espectacular y una trama que enganchará desde la primera hora de juego con multitud de personajes e historias que presenciar." - Read review

(40) GAME PAD INK (EN) - Listen to the Podcast

(41) GameBoomers (EN) - Read the News

(42) GameBoomers (EN) - Read the Walkthrough

(43) GAMECLOUD (EN) writes: "The writing is smart throughout, with varied characters, engaging dialogue, the occasional gag or witty throwaway line. It keeps up an investigative, optimistic and light tone without jarring with the heavier, mass-murderous subject matter of the plot. It's all well voice-acted too, which might seem like the bare minimum but believe me, you play enough point-and-clicks where this aspect has been skimped on or miscast." - Read review

(44) GameGuide (FR) writes: "En résumé, Unforeseen Incidents est un très bon jeu d'aventure/énigme en point-and-click, qui pêche peut-être par manque d'originalité, ce qui ne m'a pas empêché de passer un très bon moment en compagnie de Harper pour tenter de sauver Yelltown, voire le monde tout entier, de la fièvre ! " - Read review

(45) gamekult (FR) - Read the News

(46) GAMEMITE (EN) - Read the Preview

(47) GAMEPLANE (DE) - Read the News

(48) Gamepressure (EN) - Read the review

(49) Gamer 365 (HU) - Read the review

(50) Gamerbrain (IT) rates 7.4: "Se siete appassionati di avventure grafiche, non potete di certo lasciarvi sfuggire Unforeseen Incidents." - Read review

(51) GameReality (EN) - Read the review

(52) Gamers Global (DE) - Read the News

(53) gamerview (BR) - Watch the Video

(54) Games Finest (DE) rates 9/10: "Unforeseen Incidents ist für alle Adventure Liebhaber definitiv einen Versuch wert, auch wenn die Rätsel für "Hardcore Abenteurer" vielleicht etwas zu einfach sein könnten. Anderen Spielern ist es ebenso nur zu empfehlen, dieses liebevoll gezeichnete Spiel mit interessanter Story und fesselnder Atmosphäre einmal zu versuchen, gerade wenn man vielleicht nicht jedes Adventure mitgenommen hat." - Read review

(55) GAMESPEW (EN) writes: "If you've grown up playing classic point and click games, like I have, then Unforeseen Incidents will undoubtedly remind you of the greats. With beautiful artwork and design, impeccable voice acting and an intriguing story to boot, it's definitely one to consider adding to your library." - Read review

(56) Gamestar (DE) writes: "Unforeseen Incidents zeigt, wie erfrischend ein gut gemachtes Point&Click-Adventure heutzutage sein kann. fängt den Charme von damals ein, ohne altbacken zu wirken." - Read review

(57) (HU) rates 85: "I?gy csak ko?ri?te?s- ke?nt szolga?l a szinkronszi?ne?szek alaki?ta?- sa?hoz, a csoda?latos, ke?zzel rajzolt grafika?- hoz, a remek zene?hez e?s az o?tletes logikai kihi?va?sokhoz." - Read review

(58) GAMESTEN (DE) writes: "Durch seine detailverliebten Hintergründe und humorvoll geschriebenen Charaktere hat mich Unforeseen Incidents schnell in seinen Bann gezogen. " - Read review

(59) Gamesunit (DE) - Read the News

(60) Gameswelt TV (DE) - Read the Announcement

(61) Gaming on Linux (EN) writes: "Unforeseen Incidents really does pull you right in. It's not just the striking hand-painted art style, but the near-perfect voice acting that makes it really quite an experience." - Read review

(62) GamingTrend (EN) rates 85%: "Unforeseen Incidents is fun romp with an interesting plot that will draw you in and enjoyable characters to go around. If you're a fan of traditional adventure games, and are looking for a fun experience, Unforeseen Incidents will be fun game for you to explore while uncovering the secrets hidden within Yelltown. " - Read review

(63) Geeky Hobbies (EN) rates 4/5: "On top of good puzzle design the game has an intriguing story and a great atmosphere due to the artwork and audio." - Read review

(64) Golem (DE) writes: "Freunde klassischer Point-&-Click-Adventures, aufgepasst: Unforeseen Incidents ist ein hervorragend auf Deutsch und Englisch vertontes, im originellen Comic-Stil gehaltenes Mystery-Adventure, das mit Humor, fordernden Rätseln, vielen Details und nicht zuletzt beachtlichem Umfang Abenteuerfreunde glücklich machen wird." - Read review

(65) Good Gear Guide (EN) writes: "...the story is an elegant mystery and far more than just a driving force between the puzzles" - Read review

(66) (EN) writes: "There are some neat little puzzles to be had" - Read review

(67) GryOnline (PL) - Read the review

(68) GTOGG (EN) - Read the News

(69) Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (DE) - Read the review

(70) Heute Österreich (DE) - Read the News

(71) Hey Poor Player (EN) rates 3/5: "The passion laced within Unforeseen Incidents is enough for me to keep track of the developers' future output" - Read review

(72) Holarse Linux-Gaming (DE) - Read the News

(73) (CZ) - Read the News

(74) (DE) - Read the News

(75) IGN Hungary (HU) - Read the News

(76) Indie Dojo (DE) - Read the review

(77) Indiegame Website (EN) rates 8/10: "A great revival of the point-and-click genre, bursting with all its nostalgic and fun ingredients" - Read review

(78) Inside Games (DE) - Read the News

(79) (EN) - Read the News

(80) Isla de Monos (ES) - Read the review

(81) ITC (UA) - Read the review

(82) iTopNews (DE) writes: "App of the day" - Read review

(83) Jeu Solution (FR) - Read the News

(84) (FR) - Read the News

(85) (FR) - Read the News

(86) Jump Dash Roll (EN) rates 8: "A delightful point-and-click which avoids well-worn conspiracy tropes thanks to a talented cast and great writing." - Read review

(87) Just Adventure (EN) - Read the News

(88) Kotaku UK (EN) writes: "In jedem Winkel der Welt von Unforeseen Incidents sind charmante Details zu finden." - Read review

(89) Leipziger Volkszeitung (DE) rates 4,5/5: "Spiele könnten gut erzählen, aber oft wirken sie an der eigenen Story desinteressiert. „Unforeseen Incidents“ dagegen vermeidet den Fehler - und gehört deswegen zu den besten Adventures der vergangenen Jahre." - Read review

(90) Leo Sigh (EN) writes: "For lovers of point-and-click adventure games, 'Unforeseen Incidents' should probably be a must buy." - Read review

(91) LUBIEGRAC (PL) rates 8.67: "Unforeseen Incidents mimo drobnych niedoci?gni??, zapewne zwi?zanych z ograniczonym funduszem, jest produkcj? zadziwiaj?co dobr?, która potwierdza przytoczon? ju? gdzie? przeze mnie tez?, i? niemiecki naród kocha przygodówki i w tworzeniu ich jest naprawd? doskona?y. " - Read review

(92) Mac | Gadget (DE) - Read the News

(93) Macinplay (DE) - Read the News

(94) Macwelt (DE) - Read the Preview

(95) MacWelt (DE) - Read the News

(96) MacWelt (DE) writes: ""Unforeseen Incidents" ist eine ganz klare Empfehlung für Freunde des gepflegten klassischen Point-and-Click-Adventures. Die Rätsel fordern, sind aber lösbar. Man dürfte in der Regel damit viele Stunden zu tun haben. Die Geschichte ist spannend und mit all den Hintergründen und Verästelungen unkonventionell. Auch die Grafik macht im Rahmen dieses Ambientes einfach " - Read review

(97) MacWorld (EN) writes: "Unforeseen Incidents unfolds a conspiracy tale and Harper has to solve his way through puzzling scenarios to seek the truth. It's also a meaty, self-contained quest, unlike a lot of the short-form, episodic adventure games we've seen in recent years." - Read review

(98) Making Games (EN) writes: "The flashy strengths of Unforeseen Incidents are the smart and funny dialogues between its characters, and the very good voice acting. But on top of everything is the gorgeous hand-painted art look." - Read review

(99) Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung (DE) - Read the review

(100) Marziani con il pad (IT) - Read the Preview

(101) Meristation (ES) writes: "Unforeseen Incidents mantendrá nuestro interés vivo a lo largo de la partida, gracias a cómo vamos desenvolviendo, puzzle a puzzle, una historia predececible con un final anticlimático, pero muy bien relatada y protagonizada por unos personajes con carácter propio. No revoluciona el género de las aventuras gráficas, ni lo pretende, pero ofrece lo que promete: una narrativa y un apartado artístico cautivadores. " - Read review

(102) Meristation (ES) writes: "Unforeseen Incidents mantendrá nuestro interés vivo a lo largo de la partida, gracias a cómo vamos desenvolviendo, puzzle a puzzle, una historia predececible con un final anticlimático, pero muy bien relatada y protagonizada por unos personajes con carácter propio. No revoluciona el género de las aventuras gráficas, ni lo pretende, pero ofrece lo que promete: una narrativa y un apartado artístico cautivadores. " - Read review

(103) Monster Vine (EN) rates 4/5: "The story in Unforeseen Incidents might feel familiar at times, but it tells its tale well while also providing a satisfying selection of adventure game puzzles and a high-quality presentation." - Read review

(104) MSN (DE) - Read the News

(105) MyGamer (EN) rates 8.0: "Unforeseen Incidents is an homage of the highest caliber to the classic PCA's of old. More than anything it has the setting, story, characters, and writing to keep you enthralled enough to get past the tough puzzles. " - Read review

(106) MyGamer (EN) - Read the News

(107) New Indian Express (EN) - Read the review

(108) New York videogames critics circle (EN) writes: "The Insight: The Brilliant Unforeseen Incidents Is Far More Than Just A Mystery, Says Our 15 Year Old Writer" - Read review

(109) Newgamernetwork (EN) rates 81%: "It succeeds because of sensible puzzles, an excellent narrative, and a slick visual style." - Read review

(110) Next Gamer (DE) rates 7: "Unforeseen Incidents ist kein Gagfest wie andere Adventures, sondern bleibt seiner ernsten Thematik weitestgehend treu, was zu einem sehr dichten Atmosphäre führt. Kleine, harmlose Sprüche lockern diese immer wieder auf." - Read review

(111) OldGamesItalia (IT) writes: "Unforeseen Incidents regalerà diverse ore piacevoli agli avventurieri vecchio stampo, grazie a puzzle degni di questo nome e locations molto curate. " - Read review

(112) Only SP (EN ) - Read the News

(113) Open Suse Forum (DE) - Read the News

(114) PC Gamer (EN) - Read the Announcement

(115) PC Gamer (EN) - Read the News

(116) PC Gamer Sweden (SE) rates 75%: "Sköna karaktärer, charmig dialog och kluriga pussel väger upp för en lättviktig intrig. " - Read review

(117) PC World (EN) writes: "... every detail on-screen feels full of personality" - Read review

(118) PC World New Zealand (EN) - Read the News

(119) PCWelt (DE) writes: "unsere ersten Versuche mit der Beta-Version waren sehr vielversprechend" - Read review

(120) PCWelt (DE) writes: ""Unforeseen Incidents" ist eine ganz klare Empfehlung für Freunde des gepflegten klassischen Point-and-Click-Adventures. Die Rätsel fordern, sind aber lösbar. Man dürfte in der Regel damit viele Stunden zu tun haben. Die Geschichte ist spannend und mit all den Hintergründen und Verästelungen unkonventionell. Auch die Grafik macht im Rahmen dieses Ambientes einfach " - Read review

(121) Planete Aventure (FR) - Read the Preview

(122) Play Nation (DE) - Read the News

(123) Play! (RS) - Read the review

(124) Play! Zine (RU) - Read the review

(125) playnomore (AR) rates 8.5: "Unforeseen Incidents es una gran aventura gráfica, teniendo todo para satisfacer a veteranos y recién entrados en el género. Si bien la historia no es novedosa y cuenta con giros obvios, la narrativa te engancha en cada capítulo y sus diálogos (plagados de humor) son geniales. Es muy desafiante, cuenta con puzles inteligentes y buena duración. Recomendado para sentarse tranquilo y disfrutar." - Read review

(126) Polygamia Podcast (DE) - Listen to the Interview

(127) (PL) rates 4/5: "Unforeseen Incidents jest produkcj? lekk?, przyjemn? i wart? uwagi ka?dego, kto lubi niezobowi?zuj?ce przygodówki. I trwa d?u?ej ni? np. taki Chuchel, bo oko?o 12 godzin. " - Read review

(128) Polyneux (DE) - Listen to the Podcast

(129) Pop Culture-Y (EN) writes: "If you enjoy a mystery, or just a beautiful game and a gorgeous soundtrack, I can definitely recommend Unforeseen Incidents." - Read review

(130) POP-CULTURE SPECTRUM (EN) writes: "What really kept me going was the plot and the characters going through this intense adventure that keeps getting bigger and bigger. Harper is just a perfect protagonist. " - Read review

(131) Press Start (FR) - Read the review

(132) Pro Linux News (DE) - Read the News

(133) quick save (DE) - Read the review

(134) Ragequit (GR) rates 84%: "Unforeseen Incidents proudly displays the “I Want To Believe” poster on its wall and boasts virtually irresistible artistic design. The puzzles are rock solid and will please the hardcore, challenge-starved adventure gamers of yore. The story sticks a bit too close to tried-and-tested conspiracy theory clichés and is the one element that keeps the game from attaining 'modern classic' status." - Read review

(135) ResetEra (EN) - Read the News

(136) (EN) - Read the Preview

(137) (IT) - Read the review

(138) Rock Paper Shotgun (EN) rates RPS Recommended: "Ich kann mich wirklich nicht erinnern wann mir ein umfangreiches Point&Click-Adventure das letzte Mal so viel Spaß gemacht hat. Jetzt weiß ich wieder warum ich dieses Genre so mag." - Read review

(139) RPG fan (EN) - Read the Preview

(140) Save or Quit (EN ) writes: "Overall, I really enjoyed playing this little adventure gem. Although I don't always find stories in adventure games interesting, this one definitely grabbed my attention. " - Read review

(141) Sector (SK) - Watch the Trailer

(142) SERIALGAMER (IT) rates 7.4: "Insomma un gioco che si rifà ai fasti del passato riuscendo a caratterizzarsi ed imprimere il proprio segno sulla storia delle avventure grafiche; un must have per tutti quelli che, come me, sono cresciuti al suono di “Tutto quello che ho è solo un pollo di gomma con una carrucola in mezzo”." - Read review

(143) SG.HU (HU) - Read the review

(144) Sirius Gaming (EN) rates 8.4: "Unforeseen Incidents is a cut above the rest when it comes to presentation. The artstyle is striking and instantly memorable. The music and sound effects fit the game in every aspect. There is something to be said about the game's slight humor and pop culture references. It is amusing to say the least. Harper Pendrell may not have the goofy charm and the 4th wall breaking powers of Guybrush Threepwood. He does, however, do a damn good job at voicing his thoughts out loud. Which is more than I can ask of this part-time electrician and part-time world saver." - Read review

(145) (SK) - Read the News

(146) Spider's Web (PL) writes: "Unforeseen Incidents to prawdziwa pere?ka." - Read review

(147) Steamtinkerer (DE) - Read the review

(148) The Cambridge Geek (EN) rates 4/5: "It's a nice updating of the form, with a deep plot, but sticking enough to traditional values to appeal to old adventure fans. " - Read review

(149) The Mental Attic (EN) writes: "The game's perfect, now leave me alone and go play it!" - Read review

(150) The Overpowered Noobs (EN) rates 7: "A playthrough should clock in at around nine hours, give or take, depending on your skill level. If solving a mystery via an old-school point-and-click appeals to you, this one has all you'll need. Nearly every aspect is well-polished and details are well tended to, so content doesn't feel rushed or like an afterthought." - Read review

(151) The SML Podcast (EN) - Listen to the Podcast

(152) The Zerathulu View (EN) rates A-: "Unforeseen Incidents is packed full of intrigue and a rich storyline, accompanied by some first-rate voice acting and killer writing. " - Read review

(153) Top Video Game (EN) - Read the News

(154) True Gamers (IT) rates 81: "Tanti luoghi da visitare ed una trama interessante portano Unforeseen Incidents al di sopra dell'otto canonico, ma lì si ferma per qualche puzzle un po' stiracchiato ed un paio di evidenti forzature. Resta comunque un giro godibile per gli amanti del genere, che ne apprezzeranno i toni anche un po' seriosi. O forse allegri. O forse seriosi... non lo so, decidete voi." - Read review

(155) Unwinnable (EN ) - Read the review

(156) UVEJUEGOS (ES) rates 80: "Una digna aventura gráfica de point&click que nos reta constantemente con sus múltiples puzzles." - Read review

(157) Valentinas Weblog (DE) - Listen to the Interview

(158) Venturebeat (EN) rates 7/10: "Unforeseen Incidents has its charms. It looks great, and some of the puzzles are genuine fun. And even though Harper is irritating, he's well-intentioned and a fairly good protagonist. " - Read review

(159) VGN (IT) rates 8.5: "Unforeseen Incidents ci ha portato indietro nel tempo. L'ha fatto rispolverando una formula non degnamente supportata negli ultimi tempi, con titoli prettamente narrativi ma senza la giusta dose di sfida, qui presente sotto forma di enigmi complessi e ben congegnati. " - Read review

(160) Videospielgeschichten (DE) - Read the News

(161) WDR/1LIVE (DE) -

(162) Wolf's Gaming Blog (EN ) writes: "If like me, you're a bit of a point and click fanatic then Unforeseen Incidents is unequivocally worth buying. The puzzling is logically sound, almost everyone feels satisfying to figure out and its wrapped up in an engaging storyline that somehow manages to feel funny despite being about a horrific virus that kills whoever it encounters." - Read review

(163) Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung (DE) - Read the review

(164) Zero Players (ES) writes: "A pesar de que no hay muchos lanzamientos de aventuras gráficas en el mercado, en ocasiones su calidad en ocasiones puede ser un tanto cuestionada. Pero este no es el caso, ya que Unforeseen Incidents es un título competente en el género capaz de plantear desafíos y puzles lógicos encuadrados dentro del juego. Esto puede parecer una tontería, pero en ocasiones los desarrolladores se ven tentados de incluir acertijos que resultan exógenos que sacan del contexto al jugador. Eso no ocurre aquí, y la mayor parte de los puzles son lógicos y tienen un sentido dentro de la historia evitando la mala sensación que se tiene en ocasiones de que se han introducido desafíos con el único empeño de dificultar el avance del jugador y no como un eje narrativo." - Read review

(165) Zockerheim (DE) rates Silber Award: "Der einzigartige Grafikstil hebt sich von anderen 2D-Grafik Point ,n' Click spielen ab und verleiht dem ganzen seinen eigenen Charme" - Read review

(166) Zockwork Orange (DE) - Read the Announcement


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